Accounting Services
Outsourcing Payroll

Modern accounting services and tax support in Ukraine

We will ensure complete order in taxes and accounting documents
We will close your backs in relations with the tax, state labor and services
Let’s free up your time for strategic issues and business
Modern accounting services and tax support in Ukraine

You want to consult with a specialist
as soon as possible?

Leave a request and our specialist will contact you in the near future
Consultation is a remote team of specialists,
that will take care of all the accounting and tax issues of your business

With us, you will significantly reduce the risk of fines and ensure the stable operation of your company

Flexible and convenient

You choose at your own discretion which range of services you need. After consulting with our specialist, you will understand exactly what your business needs.

More profitable than full-time accounting

With us, you save time and nerves in searching for an accountant. We do not go on sick leave or vacations. At the same time, our specialists are always in touch. We work under a contract and have clear obligations to you.

Safe, reliable, confidential

We will keep our finger on the pulse of the important processes of your business. We will protect you from fines and excessive attention of tax officials. And, of course, we will maintain complete confidentiality.

Who do we work for?

* from registration to liquidation, from small to large, single tax or general system, complex VAT, payroll, enterprises 40 million +, financial monitoring and tax residency, we will help you to distract yourself from all this and do your business.



product companies, R&D, Diya City, services, design bureau, marketing companies

Beauty sphere

beauty salons, hairdressers, manicure, spa, massage, piercing, tattoo, tattoo


dentistry, cosmetology, drug and rehabilitation centers, clinics and polyclinics

Trade and services

shops, salons, travel agents

Non-profit and charitable organizations

we accompany local and international funds, we prepare reports for donors

Real estate

rent, repairs, construction, hotels

Theater and concert activities

circuses, concerts, actors, theaters, bands


industrial parts and mechanisms, clothing, cosmetics, even UAVs and military projects
* we don’t deal with everything, there are areas in which we don’t have enough surveys for us to take it on, we will tell you about it if we come across such and depending on the situation
you can entrust us with the search for a specialized specialist, we have a lot of competence to find the best specialist for you and monitor his work

We know features of popular ones
sites and services

We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
We know features of popular ones
sites and services
* not everything can be done within the framework of Ukrainian legislation, we will find for you what does not work for us
the least risky option is we register for you and will accompany your business in a jurisdiction/country where legal activity is possible for your field

We register and support business bank accounts in Ukraine and abroad

Great Britain
Great Britain
* interested in another jurisdiction? write us what you plan to do and in which country! when necessary, we will submit reports on KIK

With us you get more than
accounting support

With us, you will significantly reduce the risk of fines and ensure the stable operation of your company
We work remotely and will help even if you are on the other side of the country.
We are part of a law firm and cooperate with a team of lawyers
We will provide not only accounting services, but also legal protection.
If necessary, we can conclude a lawyer’s agreement
All our professionals sign NDAs and adhere to confidentiality.
We store documentation and data in a secure cloud with backup copies.
Our attorney partners specialize in tax, corporate, and international law.
With us, your business is protected from all sides: legal, accounting, financial.
Your safety is our priority. We advise only our clients. All other companies are left behind.
You will understand, or that\'s all
ok with yours
accounting department
You will understand, or that’s all
ok with yours
accounting department
figure it out
does it work
Your accountant
figure it out
does it work
Your accountant
Find out in time
and fix it
Find out in time
and fix it

Our accountants did
already over 1000 screenings

Your accounting will be checked by specialists with more than 15 years of experience,
who monitor the laws, constantly improve their qualifications,
work as chief accountants
Yulia Lysak
Yulia Lysak
Senior Project Manager
Tatiana Prima
Tatiana Prima
Chief Accountant
Tatiana Dubrova
Tatiana Dubrova
Irina Tychina
Irina Tychina
Chief Accountant


My name is Filipp Orlov.

I am a lawyer and the owner of and For over 15 years I have been helping international businesses with accounting and all legal matters.

I believe that routine accounting issues should not distract a businessman and manager from strategic tasks.

Do business, and we will cover your back in accounting, taxes and all legal matters, and you will do what you do best.

My name is Filipp Orlov.

How much does screening cost?

The cost depends on your tax system

Single tax

Screening of the electronic office
Bank statement analysis
6 000 UAH

General system

Screening of the electronic office
Analysis of the accounting base 1C
Analysis of M.E.Doc reports
Bank statement analysis
10 000 UAH


Screening of the electronic office
Analysis of the accounting base 1C
Analysis of M.E.Doc reports
Bank statement analysis
15 000 UAH
Analysis of salary calculation – UAH 6,000.
Analysis of primary and personnel documents – UAH 6,000.
* if you have not one, but several enterprises and FOP, write to us, we will make an individual calculation
** it is better to start screening from the office, bank, 1C, M.E.Doc and ZP, then if necessary proceed to the analysis of documents

What our clients say and write

What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write
What our clients say and write

We are already trusted

We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted
We are already trusted

Why Choose Us

Accounting and tax consulting can help with many issues related to bookkeeping services in Kyiv, optimization of the taxation system, cost planning, financial reporting, and documentation. Therefore, such a case requires an experienced specialist who is well-versed in the financial sphere and knows all the laws and norms of the relevant legislation of Ukraine.

By contacting us, you will receive expert accounting advice, which will allow you to avoid mistakes and shortcomings caused by insufficient information in such cases. Our specialists, thanks to their vast experience, will provide the right recommendations and help you navigate through difficult situations.

We will provide competent informational support even in the most non-standard accounting issues. In addition, if necessary, we will conduct one-time consultations regarding the preparation of primary documentation, reporting deadlines, and changes in the legislation of Ukraine in the field of taxation and accounting.

Benefits of Partnering with Us

Consultation with an accountant in Kyiv will allow you, as a manager, to think less about the financial issues of the enterprise and fully concentrate your personal time and energy on conducting the main activity.

We advise on these issues:

  • Consultations on choosing a taxation system and KVED.
  • Providing recommendations on the proper preparation and completion of financial documentation.
  • Providing recommendations on calculating various business costs (accruals, deductions, taxes, and fees).
  • Accounting support in many financial issues on an ongoing basis.
  • Legal consultation on any issues related to financial and other legislation of Ukraine.

You can order the services of our specialists, clarify the cost of accounting consultations, as well as ask any questions about financial activities by contacting us at the contact phone number.

  • Tax expertise
  • Tax planning
  • Settlement of tax disputes
  • Support of tax audits
  • VAT refund
  • Reporting to the tax office
  • Taxation of LLC
  • Optimization of taxation
  • Taxation of enterprises
  • Tax advice
  • Taxation of the enterprise
  • Taxation of physical persons of individual entrepreneurs
  • Audit services
  • Financial audit
  • Mandatory audit
  • Audit check
  • Tax audit
  • Audit consultations
  • Audit services

Accounting services in Kyiv

A guarantee of high-quality service, maximum use of experience in the provision of accounting services, complete information on changes in tax and accounting legislation, timely prepared reports according to all established reporting forms – this is an incomplete list of services provided by our company for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. Bookkeeping is possible both on a regular basis and on a one-time basis.

Accounting services provided by the company

Accounting outsourcing – the use of the experience of the involved company in setting up accounting and protecting the interests of the enterprise during the inspection by the controlling authorities.

The main advantages of accounting outsourcing include:

1. The organization does not need to look for an accountant.

Finding a qualified accountant is the number one problem. According to statistics, to find a specialist, the company needs to make 40 to 60 calls, invite to an interview and finally conduct it with three or four people, because the others simply do not fit.

2. The turnover of the organization’s personnel is not threatened, since the contract is concluded with the company, and not with a specific person.

3. In case of business reduction, it is not necessary to carry out the process of dismissal of accountants who are in the staff. After all, in addition to financial losses, the process of reducing employees is very complicated. And the contract on the provision of outsourcing services allows you to change the conditions, for example, to reduce the cost of services or to terminate it altogether.

4. There is no need to pay taxes on wages, pay sick leave and vacation. By concluding a contract, the organization significantly saves on taxes and contributions, paying only the cost of services.

5. Savings on the payment of accounting programs.

6. All routine changes in tax and accounting legislation will be undertaken by the involved specialized company.

Finding a qualified accountant is the number one problem. According to statistics, in order to find a specialist, the company needs to make 40 to 60 calls for an interview and finally conduct it with three or four people, because the rest simply do not fit.

Accounting support of the involved company is a service that is gaining popularity every day, as it allows to reduce the costs of maintaining the business process, since there is no need to equip the accountant’s workplace. For organizations and entrepreneurs, the advantage of accounting support by a third-party company is the conclusion of a contract, which includes a special clause on the company’s financial responsibility in the event that tax authorities detect errors in tax accounting, as well as protection of the interests of client companies.

Key benefits of using an outsourced company

Accounting reflects all financial and economic transactions of the company, from wages to transactions with counterparties. Professional accounting allows:

  • provide tax and financial reporting,
  • avoid overtaxation,
  • to evaluate the profitability of the company,
  • avoid sanctions in the form of additional taxes, penalties and fines.

Accounting services for business should be perceived as a fee for reducing possible risks and getting rid of unpleasant costs.

Our accounting experts offer various services

  • responsibility for the organization of accounting and ensuring the recording of economic transactions according to international standards,
  • conditions of confidentiality (formation of the list of documents, procedure for accessing documents),
  • development and implementation of optimal accounting schemes that correspond to the sphere of activity of your enterprise,
  • personnel accounting,
  • maintenance of simplified bookkeeping and accounting of private entrepreneurs who carry out their activities for the purpose of legalizing income and funds,
  • compilation of reports and their submission to relevant authorities.


By choosing to conduct accounting by the forces of the involved company, the organization saves both effort and time. The salary of full-time employees is much higher than the cost of tariffs for outsourcing services, while accounting can be handled by several employees of our company. Performing the functions of the chief accountant, the specialist of our company remains completely independent from the director of the enterprise and allows to exclude the conduct of economic transactions and compilation of integrity in violation of the law.

If the organization is small, it makes no sense to hire a full-time accountant. Creating a workplace with equipment and software, paid seminars, taxes and social benefits are naturally additional financial costs, it is easier and more profitable to use third-party accounting help from us.

Widely using IT technologies, we provide our services not only in Kyiv, but also throughout Ukraine. If necessary, you can use the services of specialists in different fields – these are both lawyers and specialists in tax law.


What is included in accounting services?

  • Accounting outsourcing,

  • Maintenance,

  • Internal audit,

  • Accounting consultations,

  • Resolving non-standard disputed situations

  • Conducting banking operations,

  • Salary crediting.

How much does an accountant cost for a sole proprietorship?

From UAH 750. The cost of the services of our specialists will depend on the specifics of the company’s activities, the number of questions and their level of complexity.

How much does an accountant cost for an LLC?

From UAH 1,500. The cost of the services of our specialists will depend on the specifics of the company’s activities, the number of questions and their level of complexity.

Do entrepreneurs of groups 1 or 2 have restrictions on the number of types of activities (KVED)?

The number of types of activities is not limited for entrepreneurs who work on a single tax group 1 or 2. When filling out the application, all types of activities chosen by the entrepreneur are indicated.

Is it a violation if the FOP, which works on a single tax, paid for the goods by barter?

The Tax Code of Ukraine stipulates that entrepreneurs who work on a single tax must make payments exclusively in cash through cash or non-cash payments. Settlements between entrepreneurs on a single tax – barter, set-off is prohibited. When making calculations for similar transactions, the FOP is obliged to switch to the general taxation system from the next reporting period on a single tax.

Does a single tax entrepreneur have the right to switch from one group to another in the middle of a quarterly period?

Transition from one group to another is possible only from the beginning of the new quarter. At the same time, it is necessary to submit an application to change the group in advance. The legislation does not provide for group changes in the middle of the quarter.

Would you like to discuss?
cooperation in person?

Leave a request and our specialists will call you
you soon