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Reasons for conducting an audit

Requirement of company partners or inverters

People who invest money in a business often want to hear an objective opinion about the affairs of the enterprise and check whether taxes are paid correctly.

Buying or selling a company

This is a necessary procedure in this case. After all, you need to know exactly how honest the enterprise is as a tax payer, and how successful its activities as a whole are. All this information can be easily obtained from the financial statements, of course, after their accuracy has been verified.

Change of management or accounting staff

Before firing people related to the financial activities of the company, it is better to check the work they have done. This way you can make claims and, of course, correct their mistakes.
You can contact our company at any convenient time.
We will definitely create a convenient audit schedule for you. In addition, we can attract more specialists and do an urgent analysis of your accounting.

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Find out how we can be useful to you and your company

The audit will be useful for both large enterprises and small businesses. An accounting audit helps to verify the reliability and accuracy of accounting documentation, and especially reporting, of any organization. It is carried out by auditors provided by a specialized company. The result of the audit is a special report, which indicates an objective assessment of the reliability of accounting and, in addition, provides recommendations for eliminating the shortcomings identified in it.

The BuhUA company in Kiev will be happy to help you conduct an accounting audit at your company in the shortest possible time. Our auditors can quickly check your documentation in two areas:

  • according to PAS;
  • according to IFRS.

It is worth noting that we can check both the accounting department as a whole and audit individual reports or even their elements. The same applies to the period for which the audit is carried out. We recommend conducting an accounting audit quarterly or at least twice a year so that your accountant can make the necessary adjustments gradually and in a timely manner.

Even people with a large staff of accountants, not to mention individual entrepreneurs who often independently submit reports to the tax service, need an audit. After all, there is always a human factor — your employees may make a mistake in any document, which will entail penalties in the event of an inspection by the fiscal authorities. In addition, your accountant may not have enough experience and qualifications to competently organize accounting in your company. To establish accounting, you need to conduct an audit at least 2 times a year. It allows you to timely identify all errors and inaccuracies in accounting, and also correctly correct them. An accounting audit or proactive audit significantly reduces any economic, financial, tax risks of an enterprise and, in addition, eliminates the possibility of receiving large fines. An advance analysis of documentation and reporting will prepare you for any inspection by regulatory government agencies. It is worth noting that correctly compiled financial statements make it possible to make the right management decisions. After the work of our auditors, you will receive accurate figures and will be able to act exclusively in the interests of your business.

The BuhUA company in Kyiv is always ready to help entrepreneurs understand accounting and check the correctness of its maintenance. We employ only professional auditors, thanks to whom the work is completed efficiently and as quickly as possible. By contacting us, you will undoubtedly feel the difference and all the advantages, including:

  • High level of quality and efficiency of service delivery. Our audit is guaranteed to be useful to your business. After all, we have practical experience in conducting accounting, financial, and legal activities in various organizations, audit companies, government and fiscal services. We know exactly what to look for and how to correct errors in accounting.
  • Individual approach to each client. A deep level of knowledge, practical experience and high professionalism allows our auditors to make a comprehensive analysis of your company, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. We can not only identify and correct errors, but also offer a unique methodology for the effective organization of tax and financial accounting, which will be developed specifically for your company.
  • Affordable cost of audit. Prices for services are very individual and are set on a contractual basis. We also offer our clients a flexible payment system.

You can find out all the detailed information by contacting one of our auditors. All consultations are free and will not take much time. To sign up for an audit, just call our office, or leave your request on our website.

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