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Accounting service for individual entrepreneurs (SPD, PE)

Accounting service for individual entrepreneurs (SPD, PE)

Perhaps you have questions?

Find out how we can be useful to you and your company

Our specialists will be able to provide the following accounting services to their clients:

analysis of financial documentation;
assistance in the preparation of accounting and financial statements for submission to the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine;
consultation on financial issues;
submission of necessary data on the activities of an enterprise or organization to various government bodies and funds;
assistance in drawing up and maintaining personnel documents;
calculation and calculation of salaries to employees;
legal advice on other issues related to tax, financial and civil legislation of Ukraine.

We also remind you that you can transfer your accounting records in any state and at any stage of the activity of the enterprise or organization.

Usually, private entrepreneurs in Ukraine have to solve many different problems while running their business, including accounting matters. You really need to have a lot of free time, be informed about record keeping, laws and have nerves of steel to cope with it all. Our company BuhUa offers accounting services for individual entrepreneurs (SPD, PE) in Kyiv to every entrepreneur who really wants to improve matters within their enterprise or organization, thereby carving out more time for themselves for their main activities.

Comprehensive accounting services for entrepreneurs in Kiev, accounting outsourcing, establishment of the simplified tax system, taxation of individual entrepreneurs — our experienced employees can offer you all this and much more. We pay close attention to each specific case, provide assistance in maintaining accounting, help with its improvement and optimization, and are ready for both short-term and long-term relationships with our clients.

By ordering accountant services from our company BuhUa, you are guaranteed to receive responsible executors, and also save a lot without spending money on official salaries.

We can assure you that by contacting us, you will no longer ask unnecessary questions about how much professional accounting support costs, since the cost is quite affordable. But you can clarify the prices for accounting services for individuals (individual entrepreneurs, SPD, private entrepreneurs), order the services of specialists, sign an agreement for permanent services, and also ask any questions you may have by contacting our employees at the company’s contact phone number.

Cost of accounting services for individual entrepreneurs:

Maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs

No activity
from 750 UAH (month)

Maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs

Minimum activity
from 1500 UAH (month)
The cost of accounting services for individual entrepreneurs (SPD, PE) will depend on the following factors:
  • depending on the type of activity of the enterprise;
  • from the income, turnover of the enterprise;
  • on the number of employees at the enterprise;
  • on the amount of work expected and the time it will take to complete it.


What documents should an individual – a private entrepreneur – have?

Entrepreneurs working on the general taxation system are required to keep a Book of Income and Expenses, as well as have documents confirming the origin of the goods (Article 177. 10 of the Tax Code) and the entrepreneur’s expenses.

As for other business entities, they must keep records of income and expenses based on primary documents, namely:

  • primary documents;
  • accounting registers;
  • financial statements;
  • other documents confirming the accrual and payment of taxes and fees, the maintenance of which is provided for by law (Article 44 of the Tax Code).

Entrepreneurs operating on a single tax basis are required to maintain an Income Book and have primary documents confirming income and expenses, without being entered into accounting registers or reflected in accounting.

What is the shelf life of the Entrepreneur’s Income and Expense Book?

The storage period for the Entrepreneur’s Book is 1095 days from the date of the last entry. There is no special place for its storage, but it must be provided for inspection at the request of the inspector in a timely manner.

Does an individual entrepreneur who has closed his activities have the right to re-register his business activities?

The legislation does not provide for restrictions on the termination and re-opening of business activities. The main condition is not to violate the law in terms of registration and deregistration as an entrepreneur.

How is the liability of a private entrepreneur limited?

For his obligations, an individual entrepreneur is liable with his property. If the property is joint, then collection of debt or losses is possible at the expense of the entrepreneur’s share in the joint property.

How to understand which tax system to choose?

Sign up for a consultation

  • Technical accounting
  • Outsourcing, document management
  • Analytical accounting, consultations