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* from registration to liquidation, from small to large, single tax or general system, complex VAT, payroll, enterprises 40 million +, financial monitoring and tax residency, we will help you to distract yourself from all this and do your business.

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Today in Ukraine the enterprise taxation system exists in two forms:

General taxation system (GTS)
Simplified taxation system (STS)
Please note that our specialists will help you choose the most optimal and suitable taxation system for your company, and will always help and advise on all tax accounting issues of interest.

Reforms in the tax legislation of Ukraine are still ongoing. The taxation of an enterprise can change frequently, since almost every month some clauses of the Tax Code are changed or supplemented. Therefore, it is almost impossible to keep track of all the changes without the help of specialists. Taxation of an enterprise largely depends on the chosen system:

Service Type Price Duration
LLC accounting No activity from 1500 UAH month
LLC accounting Minimum activity from 5000 UAH month

This tax is regulated by Section III of the Tax Code of Ukraine . The rate has not changed and is 18% of the enterprise’s profit, which must be indicated in the accounting. The date by which payment must be made will depend on annual income, i.e. if:

  • The amount of annual income is less than 20 million hryvnia – tax must be paid before March 10 of the year following the reporting year.
  • More than 20 million hryvnia – you need to pay the tax quarterly, within 50 days after the end of the quarter.

Tax on dividends

Regulated by p. 170.5 Art. 170 Tax Code of Ukraine. OSN is still paid at a rate of 5%. For single tax payers using the simplified tax system, the rate is 9%. Tax payment is made using advance payments. There is also a 1.5% military tax.

Regulated by Chapter 1 of Section 14 of the Tax Code of Ukraine . Distribution of payers into groups:

  • The first, second and third groups – can be applied to physical. entrepreneurs.
  • Third – organizations and enterprises.
  • Fourth – persons paying agricultural taxes.

In 2024, the single tax rate is:

  • For the first group – maximum 10% of the min. salaries.
  • For the second group – maximum 20% of the min. salaries.
  • For the third group – 3% of income with VAT and 5% of income without VAT.
  • For the fourth group – depending on the area and characteristics of the land plot, the amount may vary.

You can clarify the rate in the payer’s personal account on the State Fiscal Service website Ukraine.

You can pay a single tax:

  • before the 20th day of each month or for the whole year in advance – the first and second groups;
  • in each quarter, after 10 days from the deadline for filing the declaration – the third group;
  • until the 30th of each month – the fourth group.

Value added tax (VAT)

Regulated by section 5 of the Tax Code of Ukraine. The standard rate remains the same and is 20%. In the medical field of activity, the rate also did not change and is 7%. For some payers of this tax, the rate is still 0%.

The tax base is calculated based on the contract price, which must not be lower than the cost of production or the cost of purchased goods.

You can become a VAT payer voluntarily. Persons whose income over the last 12 calendar months is more than 1,000,000 hryvnia are required to register as VAT payers according to st. 181 Tax Code of Ukraine.

If you still have not decided to use the services of professionals, have not concluded an agreement for the provision of accounting services and want to take care of your own accounting and tax accounting, then you can familiarize yourself with our example of VAT calculation.

LLC is a VAT payer. The reports indicate that the LLC provided services to three clients in the amount of 800, 1000 and 3000 hryvnia, respectively. In addition, the organization purchased products for a total amount of 4,200 hryvnia. To correctly determine the amount of VAT you will need from the general her amount of liabilities that appear in the tax invoice, withhold the existing tax credit. According to this, the tax should be calculated as follows:

  1. 800/5 = 160 UAH. (VAT); 800 + 160 = 960 UAH. (total amount of tax invoice + VAT);
  2. 1000/5 = 200 UAH; 1000 + 200 = 1200 UAH;
  3. 3000/5 = 600 UAH; 3000 + 600 = 3600 UAH;
  4. 160 + 200 + 600 = 960 UAH. (VAT amount);
  5. 4200/6 = 700 UAH. (tax credit);
  6. 960 – 700 = 260 UAH. (tax to be paid).

Unified social contribution

The single social contribution (USC) immediately replaces two outdated taxes to the Ukrainian pension fund and social insurance. Must be paid as an individual. entrepreneurs and employers in the form of 22% of the entire wage fund.

Individual income tax (NDFL)

Personal income tax is regulated by Art. 167 Tax Code of Ukraineand amounts to 18%. The minimum wage from 04/01/2024 is 8,000 hryvnia.

Also, a military tax is applied to wages, the rate of which is 1.5%.

How to understand which tax system to choose?

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  • Technical accounting

  • Outsourcing, document management

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